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Just a very quick post to say that I have joined a softball team and tonight we played our first game!

For those of you back home who have no idea what softball is (like I didn't...) it's the female version of baseball. And make no mistake - the ball is in NO WAY soft. Gwen put the team together and its made up mostly of moms from Avery's playgroup and Cameron's school. None of us have ANY idea what we are doing yet. We don't really know the rules of the game, how to play, how to hit the ball, or how to throw the ball... BUT it's all for fun! Also it is very strange for me to be using a softball glove. We have NO sports in the UK that use a glove so I am really struggling to use it, even though its meant to make catching easier! We aren't in this league to be the best and win games. Realistically, this wont happen - there are teams in this Ridgefield Women's Softball League who have played together for years so we are purely here to have fun!

We will play every Tuesday and Friday evening, so wish us luck!


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