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The perfect tree

Today was a lovely, family day out.

We started off by going ice skating as a family. Gwen and Beverly watched and cheered us on and myself, Keith, Cameron and Avery went on the ice. Keith used to play ice hockey for many years so he is very good on the ice. He can go forwards, backwards, spin around and go very fast! Cameron and Avery really enjoyed it when Keith carried them and ice skated very fast up and down. Avery was hilarious and couldn’t even stand herself up. Her little legs just kept slipping and sliding underneath her, no matter how hard she tried. Cameron was better but he still tried to run on the ice so his legs were doing double time too. The kids had fun and I had so much fun too! I didn’t fall over and we all came off the ice smiling!

We then met up with Keith’s mom and dad. They come down to visit once every couple of months as they live in Boston. We went to a place called 'Jones family farm' and it’s a huge, huge, huge area of land. During December they have thousands and thousands of Christmas trees planted everywhere , lots of different types and you basically walk around and choose you’re perfect Christmas tree. There are different coloured ones, small ones, very tall, big ones, thin ones, fat ones, tiny little ones... (During the other times of the year they also grow strawberries, raspberries, pumpkins, etc.) We walked up 2 big hills and round various corners until we found our perfect tree. We were probably walking around looking for the perfect tree for 30-45 minutes. Me and Gwen will take credit for finding the tree - because we did! Everyone agreed that it was a great tree and so Keith and his dad sawed it down! We put it into a cart and wheeled it all the way back down to the main area where the tree gets wrapped up with twine and tied onto the car.

Afterwards, we all went out to an Italian restaurant for dinner. I had chicken pesto pasta and it was delicious.

What a lovely family day out I have been able to experience!

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